
Showing posts from February, 2009

Este site disponibiliza clássicos da literatura gratuitamente

De Karl Marx a Frederico Garcia Lorca, de José de Alencar a Jean-Jacques Rousseau. O site Domínio Público ( oferece gratuitamente ao internauta inúmeras obras de referência de vários autores da literatura brasileira e universal. Entre as obras que o usuário pode pesquisar, estão o "Sermão da Sexagésima", do padre Antônio Vieira, "Crítica da Razão Pura", de Immanuel Kant, e "Discurso sobre a Origem da Desigualdade entre os Homens", de Rousseau. O site é mantido pelo governo federal, que criou a biblioteca digital com o uso de software livre.

Expressões idiomáticas

"perder a cabeça" "sem pés nem cabeça" "atirar-se de cabeça" "com a mão na massa" "dar uma mão ou uma mãozinha" "de mão beijada" "dar a mão à palmatória" "com uma mão à frente e outra atrás" "dor de cotovelo" "falar pelos cotovelos" "fazer uma tempestade num copo de água"


Private Lessons are taugth at the student's level and pace. If you have a friend also interested in learning, the semi-private lessons is the best option for you. Obrigada!!! Soraia Wood E-mail:


The student may purchase books selected for the course. Free suplementary material is also provided. The price of the private class hour (60 minutes) is $30.00.


Oral and Written Comprehension and Expression – Beginner level . Summary Vocabulary used in initial communicative situations. Elementary level texts reading and writing. Elementary grammar topics.. Goals . General goal To contribute with the acquisition of communicative competence in the beginner level.. Specific goals - To enable the comprehension of oral and written basic statements. - To enable the production of basic oral and written texts. . Content . Basic level vocabulary for social situations: restaurants, stores, mean of transportation, information requests. . Texts: e-mails, notes, telephone calls and informal conversations. . Basic notions of Brazilian Portuguese phonology and phonetics. . Grammatical topics: Orthography; The noun and adjective gender and number; articles use, personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, possessive pronouns, indefinite pronouns; Irregular and regular verbs conjugation in the indicative mode. Oral and Written Comprehension and Expression – I...

About Portuguese

It is an indo-european language that came from latin. It's the official language in Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Maçambique e São Tomé e Principe and it is also spoken in Goa, Macau and Timor Leste.