
Showing posts from May, 2020

Portuguese Book - Pois Não: Brazilian Portuguese for Spanish Speakers

Description Spanish speakers can learn Brazilian Portuguese much more rapidly than any other language, and thousands of students have used Antonio Simoes's text/workbook Com licenca: Brazilian Portuguese for Spanish Speakers to make the transition between the two languages. Recognizing the need for a text that incorporates current cultural references and the latest language pedagogy, Simoes now offers Pois nao: Brazilian Portuguese Course for Spanish Speakers, with Basic Reference Grammar.  Pois nao contrasts Portuguese and Spanish, which accomplishes two main goals. It teaches the equivalent of one year of college Portuguese in one semester, three times a week, to Spanish speakers who also have a solid understanding of English. Additionally, the book serves as a basic reference guide to Brazilian Portuguese for the same audience.  Pois nao can be used by students in the classroom or by independent learners. Users of the book may focus on the drills alone, concentrate...

Conversational Portuguese Classes - Beginner course.

Emphasis on Speaking and Listening Comprehension Designed for students with no prior knowledge of Portuguese, the Beginner course teaches how to communicate in simple everyday situations. While the emphasis of the course is on developing speaking proficiency, it also introduces basic grammar concepts and teaches beginning reading skills.

Practicing Reading

Reading regularly is one of the best ways of developing your vocabulary. Newspapers are a great place to start.

Portuguese Verbs

Going Ir Meaning:  To go Present Tense Conjugations: Eu vou Tu vais Você/e le/ela vai Nós vamos/imos Vos ides/vades Vocês/e les/elas vão Example Sentence:  Eles  vão  almoçar.  (They go to lunch.)  Vir Meaning:  To come Present Tense Conjugations: Eu venho Tu vens Você/e le/ela vem Nós vimos Vos vindes Vocês/e les/elas vêm Example Sentence:  Ele  vem  à minha casa.  (He comes to my house.) Sair Meaning:  To go out Present Tense Conjugations: Eu saio Tu sais Você/e le/ela sai Nós saímos Vos saís Vocês/e les/elas saem Example Sentence:  Vamos  sair  hoje à noite.  (Let’s go out tonight.) Caminhar Meaning:  To walk Present Tense Conjugations: Eu caminho Tu caminhas Você/e le/ela caminha Nós caminhamos Vos caminhais Vocês/e les/elas caminham Example Sentence:  Ele  caminha  para a casa de sua tia.  (He walk...

Portuguese Podcasts For Beginners

Todo Mundo Pod  "If you’re learning Portuguese as a beginner, this podcast is a great place to start because it’s specifically designed for language learners. The show features short episodes that alternate between Portuguese language tips and topics about Brazilian history, culture and politics. The host speaks relatively slowly, so you can pick up vocabulary while also hearing a native speaker’s pronunciation."  

Practice your Portuguese listening skills with CNN Brasil.

Practice your listening skills so you know what native speakers are saying. To be confident with a Brazilian accent, the best solution is to immerse yourself in Brazilian TV shows, news and movies – a very effective and entertaining method to quickly learn the language.

O Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras

Celpe-Bras exam; a state-recognised qualification for proficiency in Portuguese. O CELPE-Bras é o Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros, desenvolvido e outorgado pelo Ministério da Educação, aplicado no Brasil e em outros países com o apoio do Ministério das Relações Exteriores.

Portuguese Books - Clássicos da literatura

Este site disponibiliza clássicos da literatura gratuitamente . De Karl Marx a Frederico Garcia Lorca, de José de Alencar a Jean-Jacques Rousseau. O site Domínio Público ( oferece gratuitamente ao internauta inúmeras obras de referência de vários autores da literatura brasileira e universal. Entre as obras que o usuário pode pesquisar, estão o "Sermão da Sexagésima", do padre Antônio Vieira, "Crítica da Razão Pura", de Immanuel Kant, e "Discurso sobre a Origem da Desigualdade entre os Homens", de Rousseau. O site é mantido pelo governo federal, que criou a biblioteca digital com o uso de software livre.

Portuguese - Beginners Program

The Beginners Program focuses on providing independence to my students.  In this 12-hour program you will learn the basics of Portuguese language and be able to converse about different subjects. It is also great for travelers. If you are planning a trip to Brazil, this is the right class for you as well as students that are planning to learn the language for other purposes such as business. Learn the basics of the Portuguese Language: verbs, articles, prepositions, contractions, idiomatic expressions, conversational skills, improve your pronunciation, introduce yourself, ask and give directions, be polite, learn the past tense and present tense verb conjugations, hours and dates, deal with Brazilian Money, take a plane, busses and taxis and be independent.

20 Common Portuguese Verbs

Being 1.  Ser Meaning:  To be Used to describe fixed characteristics, like appearance. Present Tense Conjugations: Eu sou Tu és Você/e le/ela é Nós somos Vos sois Vocês/e les/elas são Example Sentence:  Ele  é  brasileiro.  (He is Brazilian.) 2.  Estar Meaning:  To be Used to describe changeable characteristics, like location and feelings. Present Tense Conjugations: Eu estou Tu estás Você/e le/ela está Nós estamos Vos estais Vocês/e les/elas estão Example Sentence:  Nós  estamos  bem.  (We are well.) 3.  Poder Meaning:  To be able Present Tense Conjugations: Eu posso Tu podes Você/e le/ela pode Nós podemos Vos podeis Vocês/e les/elas podem Example Sentence:  Eu  posso  fazer isso . (I can do that.) 4.  Parecer Meaning:  To seem/appear Present Tense Conjugations: Eu pareço Tu pareces Você/e le/ela pare...