Conectors - Portuguese
Connectors are also very important words of the Portuguese vocabulary. As their name suggests, they connect 2 sentences and put them together in a way that makes sense when we speak. In the following table we will have the most frequent and important ones: Portuguese connector Word sound English translation A não ser que... [ah naong sehr kay] EU [ah naong sehr kee] Unless... Como se... [komo seh] EU [komo see] As if... E [ee] And Enquanto [eng-kwantoh] While Whilest Já que [jah] Once Given that Given that Mas [mash]Eu [mah-eess] BR But Nem [naying] nor Nem...nem [naying...naying] Neither...nor... Ou [oh-oo] Or Ou...ou [oh-oo...oh-oo] Either...or... Para [pah-rah] In order to Por isso [poor-ee-soh] Therefore Portanto [poor-tan-too] Therefore...