Now through December 18First International Collective of Amazonian Artists in New York
Amazonian Art in two simultaneous exhibits in New York. The first international collective of Amazonian Artists bring 8 Brazilian artists from 5 different ethnic groups and will be held at Ward Nasse Gallery and BEA Art Hall Gallery during the months of November and December. To introduce the Amazonian culture to the world as a matrix available to post modernity is the focus of the First International Collective of Amazonian Artist in New York, from November 07 trough December 18, 2009. The First Collective is produced by Dirson Costa of the Institute of Amazonian Art and Culture and The Amazon Art and Imaginary Gallery, GAIA, both from Manaus, Amazon. The exhibit presents 8 artists from 5 different ethnic groups from Amazonia, they are Duhigó (ethnic group: Tukano); Dhiani Pa'saro (ethnic group: Wanano); Iwiri-ki (ethnic group: Apurinã); Sãnipã (ethnic group: Apurinã); Tóo Xac Wa (ethnic group: Óro Náo); Yúpuri (ethnic group: Tukano); Tchanpan (ethnic group: Kokama) e Kawena (ethnic group: Kokama) in which each artist expresses his poetic vision through 100 pieces using acrylic on canvas techniques and marquetry. Braids and Colors of Amazonia and I am Amazonia are the themes for the Collective. The first one is held at Ward Nasse Gallery, 178 Prince street, Soho, from November 7 trough December 08, the second one is at The Brazilian Endowment for the Art – BEA Art Hall Gallery, 240 East, 52nd street, from November 13 trough December 18. This project represents a further stage in our task of establishing for the Amazon Region a cultural policy with distinctive elements, better suited to our lifestyle, in which Amazonia is no longer merely an exotic, immense, diverse and coveted region, but rather presents itself as the cultural matrix of the post modern world. The Amazonian artist, Arnaldo Garcez, signs the First International Collective of Amazonian Artists. For more information:
Now through December 18First International Collective of Amazonian Artists in New York
Amazonian Art in two simultaneous exhibits in New York. The first international collective of Amazonian Artists bring 8 Brazilian artists from 5 different ethnic groups and will be held at Ward Nasse Gallery and BEA Art Hall Gallery during the months of November and December. To introduce the Amazonian culture to the world as a matrix available to post modernity is the focus of the First International Collective of Amazonian Artist in New York, from November 07 trough December 18, 2009. The First Collective is produced by Dirson Costa of the Institute of Amazonian Art and Culture and The Amazon Art and Imaginary Gallery, GAIA, both from Manaus, Amazon. The exhibit presents 8 artists from 5 different ethnic groups from Amazonia, they are Duhigó (ethnic group: Tukano); Dhiani Pa'saro (ethnic group: Wanano); Iwiri-ki (ethnic group: Apurinã); Sãnipã (ethnic group: Apurinã); Tóo Xac Wa (ethnic group: Óro Náo); Yúpuri (ethnic group: Tukano); Tchanpan (ethnic group: Kokama) e Kawena (ethnic group: Kokama) in which each artist expresses his poetic vision through 100 pieces using acrylic on canvas techniques and marquetry. Braids and Colors of Amazonia and I am Amazonia are the themes for the Collective. The first one is held at Ward Nasse Gallery, 178 Prince street, Soho, from November 7 trough December 08, the second one is at The Brazilian Endowment for the Art – BEA Art Hall Gallery, 240 East, 52nd street, from November 13 trough December 18. This project represents a further stage in our task of establishing for the Amazon Region a cultural policy with distinctive elements, better suited to our lifestyle, in which Amazonia is no longer merely an exotic, immense, diverse and coveted region, but rather presents itself as the cultural matrix of the post modern world. The Amazonian artist, Arnaldo Garcez, signs the First International Collective of Amazonian Artists. For more information:
Now through December 18First International Collective of Amazonian Artists in New York
Amazonian Art in two simultaneous exhibits in New York. The first international collective of Amazonian Artists bring 8 Brazilian artists from 5 different ethnic groups and will be held at Ward Nasse Gallery and BEA Art Hall Gallery during the months of November and December. To introduce the Amazonian culture to the world as a matrix available to post modernity is the focus of the First International Collective of Amazonian Artist in New York, from November 07 trough December 18, 2009. The First Collective is produced by Dirson Costa of the Institute of Amazonian Art and Culture and The Amazon Art and Imaginary Gallery, GAIA, both from Manaus, Amazon. The exhibit presents 8 artists from 5 different ethnic groups from Amazonia, they are Duhigó (ethnic group: Tukano); Dhiani Pa'saro (ethnic group: Wanano); Iwiri-ki (ethnic group: Apurinã); Sãnipã (ethnic group: Apurinã); Tóo Xac Wa (ethnic group: Óro Náo); Yúpuri (ethnic group: Tukano); Tchanpan (ethnic group: Kokama) e Kawena (ethnic group: Kokama) in which each artist expresses his poetic vision through 100 pieces using acrylic on canvas techniques and marquetry. Braids and Colors of Amazonia and I am Amazonia are the themes for the Collective. The first one is held at Ward Nasse Gallery, 178 Prince street, Soho, from November 7 trough December 08, the second one is at The Brazilian Endowment for the Art – BEA Art Hall Gallery, 240 East, 52nd street, from November 13 trough December 18. This project represents a further stage in our task of establishing for the Amazon Region a cultural policy with distinctive elements, better suited to our lifestyle, in which Amazonia is no longer merely an exotic, immense, diverse and coveted region, but rather presents itself as the cultural matrix of the post modern world. The Amazonian artist, Arnaldo Garcez, signs the First International Collective of Amazonian Artists. For more information:
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