Most Important Nouns
A Água | [ah ah-goo-ah] | The Water |
A Ajuda | [ah ah-joo-dah] | The Help |
Os Anos | [oosh ah-noosh] | The Years |
O Apelido | [oo ah-peh-lee-doo] | The Surname |
O Autocarro | [oo aoo-toh-car-roo] | The Bus (in EU Portuguese) |
(O) Azar | [oo ah-zahr] | (The) Bad luck Tough |
O Balcão | [oo bahl-kaong] | The Balcony The Counter |
O Banho | [oo bah-nyioo] | The Bath |
O Bilhete | [oo bee-lyieh-teh] | The Ticket |
O Cartão | [oo cahr-taong] | The Card |
A Casa | [ah kah-sah] | The House The Home |
O Casal | [oo kah-zahl] in EU [oo kah-zahoo] in BR | The Couple |
A Chegada | [ah shay-gah-dah] | The Arrival |
A Coisa | [Ah koee-zah] | The Thing |
A Conta | [ah-kong-tah] | The Bill |
O Copo | [oo koh-poo] | The Glass |
O Cuidado | [oo-koo-ee-dah-doo] | Careful The carefulness |
A Desculpa | [ah dsh-cool-pah] | The Excuse |
O Dia | [oo deer] | The Day |
O Dinheiro | [oo dee-nyieh-ee-roh] | The Money The Cash |
A Direita | [ah dee-ray-ee-tah] | The Right hand side |
O Direito | [oo dee-ray-ee-too] | The (legal) Right |
A Era | [ah air-rah] | The Era |
O Esquerdo/A Esquerda | [ah eesh-kayr-dah] [oo eesh-kayr-doo] | The Left hand side |
A Esquina | [ah sh-keen-ah] | The Corner |
O Estudo | [oo sh-too-doo] | The Study |
O Favor | [oo fah-vohr] | The Favour |
O Fim | [oo feeng] | The End |
A Frente | [ah-frayn-tt] in EU [ah-frayn-tchee] in BR | The front |
O Frio | [oo free-oo] | The cold |
A Gente | [ah jayn-tt] in EU and [ah jayn-tt] in BR | One (The people) We |
O Homem | [oo oh-mayeen] | The Man |
* A Hora (also compare with Tempo and Vez) | [ah oh-rah] | The Time The Hour |
O Horário | [oo oh-ráh-ree-oo] | The Timetable |
A Ida | [ah ee-dah] | The Go |
O Lado | [oo lah-doo] | The Side |
A Licença | [ah lee-sayn-sah] | The Permission The Licence |
A Maioria (de) | [ah may-oo-ree-ah] | Most (of) The majority (of) |
O Mal | [oo mahll] | The Bad thing |
O Mês Os Meses | [oo may-sh] [oosh may-say-sh] | The month/The months |
O Minuto | [oo mee-noo-too] | The minute |
A Mulher | [ah moo-lyier] | The Woman The Wife |
A Noite | [ah noh-ee-teh] | The Night |
O Nome | [oo noh-meh] | The Name |
As Novidades | [ash noo-vee-dah-desh] | The News (in terms of what is new) |
O Número | [oo noo-may-roh] | The Number |
O Ônibus | [oo oh-nee-booss] | The Bus (Brazilian Portuguese |
A Palavra | [ah pah-lah-vrah] | The Word |
(Os) Parabéns | [(oosh) pah-rah-baingsh] | (The) Congratulations |
O Pé | [oo peh] | The Foot |
As Pessoas | [ash peh-soh-ash] | The People |
A Porta | [ah pohr-tah] | The Door |
O Português | [oo poor-too-gay-sh] | The Portuguese |
O Prato | [oo prah-too] | The Plate The dish |
A Pressa | [ah pray-sah] | The hurry The Rush |
O Primeiro | [oo pree-mahee-roh] | The first |
O Princípio | [oo preen-cee-peeoh] | The Beginning |
O Problema | [oh proh-blay-mah] | The Problem |
O Próximo | [oo pro-see-moo] | The Next The following |
O Quarto | [oo kwar-too] | The Fourth The Bedroom |
O Recado | [oo ray-kah-doo] | The Message |
A Rua | [ah roo-ah] | The road The street |
O Semáforo | [oo say-mah-foo-roh] | The Traffic lights |
A Semana | [ah say-mah-nah] | The Week |
A Sorte | [ah sohr-tt] in EU or [ah sohr-tchee] in BR | The Luck |
(A) Tarde | [(ah) tar-deh] in EU or [(ah) tar-tchee] in BR | Late (The) Afternoon |
* O Tempo (also compare with Horas and Vez) | [oo taym-poo] | The Time (as The Weather |
O Trabalho | [oo trah-bah-lyioo] | The Work The Assignment |
O Troco | [oo troh-koo] | The Change |
O Último | [oo ool-tee-moo] in EU and [oo ool-tchee-moo] in BR | The Last (one) |
* A Vez (also compare with Tempo and Horas) | [ah vaysh] | The turn The time |
A Viagem | [ah vee-ah-jaying] | The journey The Trip |
A Volta | [ah vohl-tah] | The Return The Going back |
O Vôo | [oo voh-oo] | The Flight |
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