
Showing posts from February, 2018

Learning Portuguese Through Music - Annita

Learning a language using music is an activity that gives you pleasure and can become what was missing for you to improve your knowledge in Portuguese. Try listening to the song without looking at the lyrics but understanding the keywords

Telling Time in Portuguese

You first say the hour number, then the word “ e ” and finally the minute number. São dez  e  vinte.  - It's ten twenty. For “sharp hour”, you say: São sete  horas  / São sete  horas em ponto .  - It’s seven o’clock / it’s 7:00 am sharp For “half an hour”, you can use the expression “ e meia”  in the place of "and a half": São cinco  e meia  (It’s five thirty) To answer the minutes after the first 30 minutes, it is more frequent to say the residual time to the next hour, using the structure: São + remaining time in minutes +  para as  + next hour. São cinco  para as  cinco  - It's five to five. For midnight and midday in Portuguese: É meia-noite  - It's midnight É meio-dia  - It's noon  In Portuguese, when referring to “am” or “pm”, use the expressions “da manhã”, “da tarde” or “da noite”. Those expressions are used with specific time. A reunião começa às 6:00  da tarde .  - T...