You first say the hour number, then the word “ e ” and finally the minute number. São dez e vinte. - It's ten twenty. For “sharp hour”, you say: São sete horas / São sete horas em ponto . - It’s seven o’clock / it’s 7:00 am sharp For “half an hour”, you can use the expression “ e meia” in the place of "and a half": São cinco e meia (It’s five thirty) To answer the minutes after the first 30 minutes, it is more frequent to say the residual time to the next hour, using the structure: São + remaining time in minutes + para as + next hour. São cinco para as cinco - It's five to five. For midnight and midday in Portuguese: É meia-noite - It's midnight É meio-dia - It's noon In Portuguese, when referring to “am” or “pm”, use the expressions “da manhã”, “da tarde” or “da noite”. Those expressions are used with specific time. A reunião começa às 6:00 da tarde . - T...