
Showing posts from February, 2011


Pastel is a typical Brazilian dish, consisting of crisp pastry with assorted fillings. In Brazil the Pastel is a salgado (salty snack) primarily sold on the street in markets (feiras) made out of a thin pastry envelope containing minced meat, catupiry and chicken, shrimp, cheese and herbs or another filling and then deep fried. Sweet pastéis also exist and may contain guava jelly and cheese or other fillings.

Fita do Senhor do Bomfim

THE STORY.... Senhor do Bonfim wrist ribbons can be found all throughout latin america. Known as fitas in northern brazil, these ribbons are used as good luck wishing ribbons. Brazils first capital, Salvador, has a rich history of distributing these fitas over the past 200 years. the original fita, created in 1809, was known as the “measure of bonfim.” Measuring 47 centimeters, the bracelets equaled the length of the right arm of a statue of Christ found at the high altar of the Senhor do Bonfim church. From the 18th century onward, millions of people have traveled to the Senhor do Bonfim church in Bahia, asking for miracles. These fitas served as a symbol and remembrance of the miracles and wishes people hoped for. Today the common fita can be found in every corner of Brazil. Patrons most commonly tie them around their left wrist -- making 3 knots for 3 wishes. it is believed that your wishes will only come true by letting your ribbon take its natural course. Let it wither off ...

Learn Portuguese with the BBC.

You can also check your level, get advice, have your say and share your stories.

Paulo Coelho Brazilian writer


Money - Dinheiro

Quanto é? How much is it? Quanto custa? How much does it cost? Quanto custa isto? How much is this? Onde eu posso trocar dinheiro? Where can I change money? Onde tem uma Casa de Câmbio? Where is there a Money Exchange? Qual é a cotação do dólar? What is the exchange rate for the dollar? Quero trocar US$100 (cem dólares). I would like to change US$ 100. Você pode trocar US$100 (cem dólares)? Can you change US$ 100? Eu não tenho trocado. I don't have small change. Aqui está o troco. Here is the change. Posso pagar com cartão de crédito? Can I pay with credit card? Tem desconto à vista? Is there any discount if I pay cash?

Vocabulary - Business

advertising - publicidade agreement - acordo asset - ativo assistant - assistente secretary - secretária auditing - auditoria balance sheet - balanço bankrupt - falido bankruptcy - falência bonus - bônus boss - chefe branch - filial building -edifício building -prédio bureaucracy -burocracia business -negócio business school -escola de administração ceo -presidente commitment -compromisso

Vocabulary - Beach

beach - a praia chair - a cadeira de praia bathing suit - o maiô beach umbrella - o guarda-sol bikini - o biquini dune - a duna fin - o pé-de-pato fish - o peixe floaters - as bóias jellyfish - a água-viva lifeguard - o salva-vidas rock - a rocha sand - a areia sand castle - o castelo de areia sea o mar shark - o tubarão shell - a concha speedos - a sunga stone - a pedra sun -o sol sunglasses - os óculos de sol sunscreen - o protetor solar surfer - o surfista surfing board - a prancha de surfe to take sun bath - tomar sol to burn - queimar to dive - mergulhar to float- boiar to swim - nadar wave - a onda

The Portuguese Language

History Portuguese is a Romance language, as its origins date back to the 3rd century BC, when the Romans conquered Portugal and brought the Latin language to the region. With the fall of the Roman Empire, vulgar Latin evolved freely in what was called "Lusitanian Romance" and later, with the Arab domination of Portugal, the language was influenced by Arab, especially in vocabulary. In 1290 it was opened the first University of Portugal and the Portuguese language began to be officially used. Despite Portugal being so small, Portuguese is the mother tongue of about 170 million people. This is due to Portugal long maritime tradition which had its Golden Age in the 16th century with the conquest of Brazil (where nowadays 154 million people speak Portuguese) and of some regions in Africa and Asia (5 million speakers). This great adventure resulted in an extremely rich travel literature and was responsible for the expansion of the national language.

Flashcards woks

SORVETE = ICE CREAM - The key to success? 10 minutes a day, religiously. Set a timer. Do about 10-30 cards in the stack. If you get one right with ease, set it aside. Remove a card from the stack once you get it right the first time every day — backwards too! (reverse side first. In 90 days you will add close to 1,000 new words to your Brazilian Portuguese.

How to order Coffee in Brazil

vocabulary: cafézinho/expresso/café curto – This is usually a cup of coffee in an expresso cup. It may or may not be an expresso. If an expresso is what you really want, to be on the safe side, order a cafézinho expresso, or just um expresso. média/café com leite – Different places will say different things. In most places, a café com leite, will be a tea cup sized coffee with more milk than coffee. It also may or may not come with sugar, so if you prefer it without, make sure to ask for um café com leite sem açúcar! In some places, you can just order a média, and they’ll bring you the same thing. café duplo/pingado – This is like a big média! And the same rules apply. Also, if you order a pingado and the person stares at you like you’re crazy, go for a café duplo, or vice versa capuccino – In some places this is the same thing as a cappuccino you’d find in the US, but some coffee shops (in SP at least) will add chocolate to their capuccinos!

Brazilian Nicknames

One of the most important things to know before traveling or moving to Brazil is that nicknames are not only common, but an important part of Brazilian culture. Many people get a nickname, sometimes early in life. It can be a shortening of a person’s name, like Eduardo being called Dudu or José being called Zé. It can also be a physical trait, like Baixinho (Shorty) or Gordinha (Chubby). It could also be a defining trait about someone’s personality, or where a person is from, like Baiano (from Bahia) or Mineiro (from Minas Gerais). Also, a person’s name could be there name with a diminutive, like Joãozinho or Fernandinha. It could even be an invented word!

watch Carnival live on YouTube for free, directly from Salvador, Bahia.

Instant Messaging in Portuguese

Kkkkk Laughing out loud Rsrsrs Lol Vc You Cd Where are/is (cadê) Oq, q, oke, o q What (O que, que) pq Why (por que) Tbm, tb Also (também) td Everything (tudo) tc Chat (teclar) Blz Great, “Word” (Beleza) Aki Here (aqui)

Thursday Brazilian films BEA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 10th, 7 pm Dear friends and members, More Brazilian films this week at BEA The films are: The Year my Parents Went on Vacation ( 2006 ) Synopsys : A boy is left alone in a Jewish neighborhood in the year of 1970, where both world cup and dictatorship happen in Brazil. Directed by Cao Hamburger 104min trailer: Haaretz ( 2010 ) Directed by Sasha Pick-Crystal 8 min Thursday February 10th, 7pm at Brazilian Endowment for the Arts, 240 East 52nd Street (btw. 2nd & 3rd Av) Nelson Pereira dos Santos Hall Free entrance And after the screening we are going chat about the films over wine & cheese ;-) See you there Cheers, Igor Cabral Cinematographer and Film Programmer 201.737.2411 Gabriela Guerra Filmmaker and Film Programmer 347.488.2508

A Brazilian Endowment for the Arts (BEA)

é um centro cultural localizado no coração de Manhattan, na cidade de Nova York, com objetivo de promover e cultivar o uso da língua, cultura, artes e letras brasileiras nos Estados Unidos. A BEA é uma organização sem fins lucrativos e cumpre sua função por meio da promoção de conferências, palestras, congressos, exposições de arte, aulas de português, recitais de música, mostra de filmes, lançamentos de livros e eventos literários.

Aulas de danças brasileiras

Novas turmas de samba no pé, samba de gafieira e forró - Aprenda a dançar com Marizete, a organizadora do New York Samba Meetup Group. Marizete começou a dar aulas no Rio de Janeiro em 1999, e tem ensinado em NYC desde 2004. O ritmo é dançado individualmente, e conhecido como o samba dançado nas escolas de samba do carnaval do Rio de Janeiro. Samba de Gafieira é dançado a dois, e se origina dos bailes de dança de salão do Rio, e pode ser dançado em vários tipos de samba, como Bossa Nova, pagode, samba canção, choro, entre outros. Um ritmo dançado a dois, e que se origina do Nordeste do Brasil. Hoje, o forro é dançado em todo o Brasil, e em várias cidades dos EUA. onde somos dedicados a dividir a cultura brasileira através do ensinamento=2 0dos ritmos brasileiros em NYC. Aulas no Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 8th Ave, 16th Floor (36/37) NYC. Para maiores informações favor visitar http://www.sambazina.come ligue 201-452-5059.
Domínio Público Imagine um lugar onde você pudesse ler gratuitamente todos os livros de Machado de Assis, obras como a "Divina Comédia" ou ter acesso a historinhas infantis? Que este lugar lhe mostrasse as grandes pinturas de Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso e Van Gogh, ou ainda que você pudesse escutar música em MP3 de alta qualidade gratuitamente? Todos os programas do TV Escola sobre o Brasil (História, Geografia, Literatura, etc) estão disponíveis para serem assistidos on line ou copiados por download no site do "Domínio Público":

Livros para download

Livros brasileiros oferecidos gratuitamente para download através do site Dentre os autores estão Machado de Assis, José de Alencar e Aluísio de Azevedo.

Exposição de Cláudio Edinger na 1500 Gallery

Até 26 de Março A cidade de São Paulo é o tema de uma mostra que o fotógrafo brasileiro Cláudio Edinger apresenta até o dia 26 de março, na galeria 1500 em Nova York. "São Paulo Ambiguous" traz doze trabalhos que mostram as ambiguidades e contradições da metrópole. As fotos mostram prédios, avenidas e largos famosos da cidade em cenas do cotidiano, com intenso trânsito de pessoas e veículos. Para fazer as imagens, Edinger usou uma câmera especial Sinar, que permite acertar o foco apenas em determinadas áreas da imagem capturada (técnica também conhecida como tilt-shift). O resultado dá um ar de "miniatura" para os locais fotografados. Segundo o fotógrafo, o efeito aproxima a fotografia da maneira como o olho humano enxerga, prendendo-se a um objeto de cada vez. A série de 30 imagens, 12 das quais foram selecionadas para a exposição, estão no livro São Paulo: Minha Estranha Cidade Linda , publicado em 2009. Edinger conta que o ensaio nasceu de uma missa de sétimo dia...

Fundraising brunch para a Biblioteca Brasileira Infantil

6 de Março Fundraising brunch para a Biblioteca Infantil Brasileira Patricia Almeida, com música ao vivo, no dia 6 de março, 11 - 2pm, no Amity Hall, 80 West 3rd Street, New York City. Adultos $25, Crianças $12. Pratos deliciosos, bebida incluída. Compre seus ingressos pelo site http://www.cirandacirandinhas.comou pelo telefone (347) 893-9634 . Ajude a construir uma biblioteca para os Brasileirinhos

Film: Rio Sonata - Cinema Tropical's Music+Film / Janeiro in New York

February 23 Film: Rio Sonata - Cinema Tropical's Music+Film / Janeiro in New York RioSonata- US Premiere. Part of Cinema Tropical's Music+Film / Janeiro In New York. "Singer Nana Caymmi is Brazilian music royalty. She is the daughter of Dorival Caymmi, Gilberto Gil's ex-wife, Milton Nascimento's muse and a childhood friend of Nelson Freire. Rio Sonata explores her body of work and her role in the history of Brazilian music in the last 50 years. It is also a love story to the city of Rio de Janeiro, Nana's hometown, with lush imagery and inspired music. An intimate glimpse into an artist's relationship to her muse and her music. With the participation of Gilberto Gil, Milton Nascimento, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Maria Bethânia, Joao Donato, Mart'nalia, Erasmo Carlos, Sueli Costa, Miùcha, Dorival Caymmi, Dori Caymmi." — São Paulo International Film Festival. Director: Georges Gachot. 84 min. 2010. In Portuguese; English subtitles. Date & Time: Wed, F...

Odair Assad, guitar, at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

February 13 Odair Assad, guitar, at The Metropolitan Museum of Art Odair Assad, guitar - Barrios - Chôro da Saudade; Lauro - Tres Valsas; Villa Lobos - Estudo No. 10 & Estudo No. 12; Piazzolla (arr Sergio Assad) - Invierno porteño; Callahan - Red Fantasy; S. Assad - Seis brevidades; Gismonti - Memoria e fado; Brouwer - Sonata del caminate. Sunday, February 13, at 3 pm. Tickets on sale at or by phone (212) 570-3949 . The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10028.


Candido Portinari (December 29, 1903 - February 6, 1962) was one of the most important Brazilian painters and also a prominent and influential practitioner of the neo-realism style in painting. Born to Italian immigrants Giovan Battista Portinari and Domenica Torquato, in a coffee plantation near Brodowski, in São Paulo, Portinari studied at the Escola Nacional de Belas Artes (ENBA) in Rio de Janeiro. In 1928 he won a gold medal at the ENBA and a trip to Paris where he stayed until 1930, when he returned to Brazil. He joined the Brazilian Communist Party and stood for senator in 1947 but had to flee Brazil for Uruguay due to the persecution of Communists. He returned to Brazil in 1951 but suffered ill health during the last decade of his life and died in Rio de Janeiro in 1962 of lead poisoning from his paints. His career coincided with and included collaboration with Oscar Niemeyer amongst others. Portinari's works can be found in galleries and settings in Brazil and abroad, rangi...