How to order Coffee in Brazil


cafézinho/expresso/café curto – This is usually a cup of coffee in an expresso cup. It may or may not be an expresso. If an expresso is what you really want, to be on the safe side, order a cafézinho expresso, or just um expresso.

média/café com leite – Different places will say different things. In most places, a café com leite, will be a tea cup sized coffee with more milk than coffee. It also may or may not come with sugar, so if you prefer it without, make sure to ask for um café com leite sem açúcar! In some places, you can just order a média, and they’ll bring you the same thing.

café duplo/pingado – This is like a big média! And the same rules apply. Also, if you order a pingado and the person stares at you like you’re crazy, go for a café duplo, or vice versa

capuccino – In some places this is the same thing as a cappuccino you’d find in the US, but some coffee shops (in SP at least) will add chocolate to their capuccinos!


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