Portuguese Alphabet
The letters K , W and Y are normally not used in Portuguese native speaking words, except for chemical references and abbreviations for distances (Km) or weights (kg).
There are no other doubles in Portuguese (or in the Portuguese alphabet) apart from RR, SS, and cedilla - Ç – the little comma under the C.
CH has the sound [shh] and not [tch].
Try to say these words: chave / chamo / chato / chouriço / chantili.
NH has the sound similar to [ny].
Read these words: ninho [nee-nyo], tamanho [ta-mah-nyo], castanho [cas-tah-nyo].
Now try to say these ones: fanhoso / cantinho / gatinha / canhoto / junho.
LH has a sound very similar to [lyi].
Read these words: coelho [coo-eh-lyio] / filho [fee-lyio] / filha [fee-lyia].
Letter European Brazilian Phonemic
valuesName Name (IPA) Name Name (IPA) Aa á /a/ á /a/ /a/, /ɐ/ Bb bê /be/ bê /be/ /b/ or [β] nb 13 Cc cê /se/ cê /se/ /k/; /s/ nb 1 Dd dê /de/ dê /de/ /d/ ~ [dʒ] nb 2 or [ð] nb 13 Ee é /ɛ/ é or ê /ɛ/, /e/ /e/, /ɛ/, /i/ nb 3, /ɨ/, /ɐ/, /ɐi/ Ff efe /ˈɛfɨ/ efe /ˈɛfi/ /f/ Gg gê or guê /ʒe/, /ɡe/ gê /ʒe/ /ɡ/ or [ɣ] nb 13; /ʒ/ nb 1 Hh agá /ɐˈɡa/ agá /aˈɡa/ natively silent, /ʁ/ in loanwords nb 4 Ii i /i/ i /i/ /i/ nb 3 Jj jota /ˈʒɔtɐ/ jota /ˈʒɔtɐ/ /ʒ/ Kk nb 5 capa /ˈkapɐ/ cá /ka/ /k/ Ll ele /ˈɛlɨ/ ele /ˈɛli/ /l/ ~ [ɫ ~ w] nb 6 Mm eme /ˈɛmɨ/ eme /ˈemi/ /m/ nb 7 Nn ene /ˈɛnɨ/ ene /ˈeni/ /n/ nb 7 Oo ó /ɔ/ ó or ô /ɔ/, /o/ /o/, /ɔ/, /u/ nb 3 Pp pê /pe/ pê /pe/ /p/ Qq quê /ke/ quê /ke/ /k/ Rr erre or rê /ˈɛʁɨ/, /ʁe/ erre /ˈɛʁi/ /ɾ/, /ʁ/ nb 8 Ss esse /ˈɛsɨ/ esse /ˈɛsi/ /s/, /z/ nb 9, /ʃ/ nb 10 ~ [ʒ] Tt tê /te/ tê /te/ /t/ ~ [tʃ] nb 2 or [θ] nb 14 Uu u /u/ u /u/ /u/ nb 3 Vv vê /ve/ vê /ve/ /v/ Ww nb 5 dâblio or duplo vê /ˈdɐbliu/, /ˈduplu ˌve/ dáblio /ˈdabliu/ /w/, /v/ Xx xis /ʃiʃ/ xis /ʃis/ /ʃ/, /ks/, /z/, /s/, /gz/ nb 10 nb 11 Yy nb 5 ípsilon or i grego /ˈipsɨlɔn/, /ˌi ˈgrɛgu/ ípsilon /ˈipsilõ/ /j/, /i/ Zz zê /ze/ zê /ze/ /z/, /s/, /ʃ/ nb 10 ~ [ʒ
A língua portuguesa possui ainda uma letra que no entanto não faz parte do alfabeto. É a letra Ç.
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